Accompanied by a number of statements by experts in the government's issuing policy and the functioning of financial markets, the Annual Report presents AFT's duties, organisation and staff. The year 2018 was a year of actions on behalf of the French taxpayer:
- Completion of an historic €195 billion financing programme carried out within the context of the ECB's continuing accommodative monetary policy;
- Launch of the OAT€i 0.10% 25 July 2036 by syndication for a total of €3.5 billion. This bond achieved a real yield at issue of –0.361%, which is a record low yield for this type of bond;
- A successful syndicated tap issue of the Green OAT for a total of €4 billion, which provided an occasion opportunity for France to emphasise the importance it places on financing the energy transition;
- A reduction of outstanding short-term debt to 6.4% by the end of 2018 – the lowest level since the early 2000s;
- Renewal of the primary dealers for the next three years.
An informative, multilingual report
By including materials such as datasheets and an economic and financial glossary, the Annual Report also gives the reader a better understanding and grasp of data relating to the management of the State’s debt and cash requirements.
In addition, to meet investors' needs, the report will soon be available in English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and Russian translations.
AFT is an autonomous and accountable agency with national scope that reports to the Minister for the Economy and Finance and the Director General of the Treasury.
AFT is responsible for managing the State’s cash requirements so that it can meet its financial commitments at all times, whatever the circumstances.
AFT is also tasked with managing the State’s debt and, more specifically, in the medium term, with minimising the cost of debt in the taxpayers’ best interest. To this end, with respect to fixed income markets, it manages relations with investors, financial intermediaries and other issuers in a spirit of full transparency and a commitment to combining innovation, flexibility and security.
2018 key figures
Data about the State’s debt and details of AFT's activities can be found at
Agence France Trésor
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