21 January 2005: Creation of the 3.5% 25 April 2015 OAT

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Agence France Trésor announces the creation of OAT 3.5% April 2015. This bond will be auctioned for the first time on February, 3 2005 at 11 am Paris time for a minimum nominal amount of €5 bn. It will be the only bond auctioned that day.

The amount will be announced on Friday 28, January 2005. This OAT will be eligible to stripping operations from Tuesday 8 February 2005 (settlement date).

This OAT will be furthermore regularly auctioned according to investors demand and in order to guarantee its liquidity.

ISIN code OAT: codification in progress

ISIN code PPMTO%250415: codification in progress

Press Contact

Agence France Trésor

Corinne Dromer: 33 (0)