21 March 2019: AFT’s issuance: 2.040 billion euros of inflation-indexed OATs

This morning, Agence France Trésor auctioned the OAT€i 0.10% 1 March 2029.

See below for auction details.

The total amount issued may be increased by non-competitive bids 2 (NCT2), which will take place on Friday 22 March 2019.

标售日期 21/03/2019
交割日期 25/03/2019
需求额* 4 078
标售额 * 2 040
上限价格 109.45%
按上限价格标售的百分比 100.00%
覆盖率 ** 2.00
加权平均利率 109.48%
加权平均价格 -0.81%
ISIN码 FR0013410552