Strategic committee

Agence France Trésor is assisted in the management of government debt by the Strategic Committee, which, alongside the primary dealers, advises it on the major planks of the government’s issuing policy: the Strategic Committee provides Agence France Trésor with tangible assistance in implementing ­– and deepening – the principles of its issuing policy. It is composed of people from diverse backgrounds, with the aim of giving Agence France Trésor a broad spectrum of skills and expertise.

One of the Strategic Committee’s key roles is to give its own interpretation of the principles governing the government’s issuing policy and cash management procedures. It also issues opinions on current practices and prospective developments.

The Strategic Committee meets twice a year. Meetings provide an opportunity for the Director General of the Treasury, Chairman of Agence France Trésor, assisted by its Chief Executive and staff, to review the Agency’s past activities, placing them in their economic context, and to set out the assumptions on which it will base its future work.

Its composition :

Jacques de LAROSIÈRE
Former Governor of the Banque de France, former Managing Director of the IMF, Former chair of EBRD

Marc-Antoine AUTHEMAN
Former chairman of the Board of Directors of Euroclear

Mr Günther BRÄUNIG
Member of the board of KfW

Mr Assaad J. JABRE
Corporate Advisor
Former Vice President, International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group)

Chairman of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA)

Mr Chow-Kiat LIM
Chief Executive Officer of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC)

Mrs Anne Leclercq
Former Director of the Belgian Federal Debt Agency

Mr Bertrand de MAZIERES
Special Advisor of the European Investment Bank (EIB) board
Former Director General of Finance at EIB